A Clean Slate and a Fresh Start
Posted by John Friel on Mar 8th 2020
It’s always a heavy lift to get new greenhouses up and running, but soooo worth it: There’s just nothing like a clean slate, a fresh start. Case in point: Two acres of new perennial propagation space at Milton, FL, a.k.a. the grass farm. This modern, streamlined block features high walls for great air movement, and it’s connected to a shipping headhouse for smooth, seamless flow in the process that turns our crops into your crops. After just a couple of months of production, we’re already seeing the benefits over the outdated growing space we replaced. There’s also a half acre of open-air, roof-only shelter where we can better hold and care for the especially sturdy stuff that used to sleep under the stars. Says Prez Paul, “I have honestly never seen better-looking perennial product at ECG.”