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Baptisia australis (72 cells)

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2010 Perennial Plant of the Year. Dark spikes of indigo-blue flowers bloom over blue-green foliage in late spring. Foliage is attractive all summer. Seed pods add interest. An American native.

  Production Location: Pennsylvania
  Tray Size: 72 plants
  Common Name: Blue false indigo
  USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 - 9
  Mature Height: 48 inches
  Color: Blue
  Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade

Cell Size: 72 cell tray. Depth 2.35". Volume (max. dry) cubic inches: 2.23
Recommended Finish Size: 1 gallon
Growing Media: Well-draining commercial media
Growing Temperature: 60-70 F (days) 50-60 F (nights)
Soil PH: 5.8-6.2
Soil EC: 1.8-2.2
Finish Time for Spring Sale: 8 - 12 weeks
Growing Info: Pinch 1-2 times after transplant.
Fertilizing: Constant liquid feed at low levels of 100 - 150 ppm N
Moisture Level: Grow plants on the dry side.
Watch for Pest and Disease: Mites, leaf spot, powdery mildew, rusts
Vernalization Requirements: Required for flowering.
Supplemental Lighting: None required.
Growth Regulators: Paclobutrazol 15 ppm
Day Length: Day Neutral
Other: Best blooming after 2 years.

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