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Cheers! (Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise')

Cheers! (Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise')

Posted by John Friel on Jun 11th 2021

In the “language of flowers,” which is spoken not by flowers but by people, Coreopsis says “constantly cheerful.” Which fits perfectly: The golden-yellow double flowers of this native American genus are bound to put a smile on your face. Their disposition is as sunny as the sites where they love to grow.

‘Early Sunrise’ lives up to its cultivar name: On your bench or in the garden, it jump-starts your season by blooming earlier than others in the species. And its flowers are borne aloft on sturdy stems, so it’s a good choice for the vase as well.

Height: 18 – 24” Hardy in Zones 4 - 9

The Games of the Names

(1) The not-so-charming common name “tickseed,” which no one ever actually uses, and the botanical name are both bug-related descriptions of the seed: Coreopsis translates roughly from the Greek as “looks like a bedbug.” Even less charming.

(b) What’s so “grand” about that flora? It’s a comparison thing. To earn a specific epithet like grandiflora, a flower needn’t be big enough to wear as a sunhat. It simply has to be noticeably larger than that of similar plants in the same genus. 

Whatever you choose to call it, call it yours. It comes in slick-planting, easy-finishing 72-cell liners from Emerald Coast Growers – your easy choice!

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