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Coreopsis Lil Bang™ - Big Punch!

Coreopsis Lil Bang™ - Big Punch!

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Apr 5th 2023

Don't let the name fool you: These compact beauties pack a big punch!Li'l Bang™ is a subset of the best-selling Big Bang™ Series, from breeder Darrell Probst. Darrell's done a bang-up job of fitting the same unique colors and explosive flower power into a cute, tight, 6-12" tall package.Their shorter stature makes Li'l Bang™ big on versatility: They're all perfect for the front of the border, edging and containers.Hardy for Zones 4-9. C. Li'l Bang™ 'Daybreak' PP27138
There IS a Cure For The Summertime Blues! 2  (Perennials)

There IS a Cure For The Summertime Blues! 2 (Perennials)

Posted by John Friel on Sep 7th 2021

What gives a grower the blues? Small plants and disappointed customers.Forget what the song says. There IS a cure: Plant this fall instead of waiting until spring. It’s not just for trees!It’s a simple equation: Build a firm foundation under that crown. When your plants go into winter with a bulked-up root mass, they’ll do three things quicker in spring: Fill out, look gorgeous – and sell.The principle applies to many genera, but we particularly recommend it for these three:AquilegiaThis early r
Cheers! (Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise')

Cheers! (Coreopsis grandiflora 'Early Sunrise')

Posted by John Friel on Jun 11th 2021

In the “language of flowers,” which is spoken not by flowers but by people, Coreopsis says “constantly cheerful.” Which fits perfectly: The golden-yellow double flowers of this native American genus are bound to put a smile on your face. Their disposition is as sunny as the sites where they love to grow. ‘Early Sunrise’ lives up to its cultivar name: On your bench or in the garden, it jump-starts your season by blooming earlier than others in the species. And its flowers are borne aloft on stur


Posted by John Friel on Feb 19th 2021

Illuminating is a cheerful yellow. Ultimate Gray is exactly what it sounds like. They complement one another nicely: Yellow for sunny optimism, gray for rock-solid reliability. We looked at gray last time, so let’s get sunny and optimistic!CoreopsisThe un-charming common name of this useful, varied genus is “tickseed.” It’s such an uncommon common name that nobody uses it, ever. Just as well, right?The Classics!Coreopsis grandiflora ~Seed-propagated for price-point-conscious finishers.‘Baby Sun’
GREEN ANATOMY - Coreopsis 'Nana' (Mouse-eared Tickseed)

GREEN ANATOMY - Coreopsis 'Nana' (Mouse-eared Tickseed)

Posted by John Friel on Dec 22nd 2020

For the billionth time…Are there body parts in your gardens? Not exactly, we hope -- but there are some very fine plants named for anatomical features. And they won’t cost you an arm and a leg.Coreopsis auriculata ‘Nana’“Mouse-eared tickseed”Why “mouse-eared?” Because the specific epithet auriculata is Latin for “eared,” or “having ears.” It refers to two adorable little lobes (aww!) that form at the base of the main leaf. Cute as a bug’s ear!C. ‘Nana’ is a dwarf form of an American native peren

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