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It's a Love Story, Just Say Yes... Nassella tenuissima

It's a Love Story, Just Say Yes... Nassella tenuissima

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Feb 28th 2025

What makes gardeners and designers love Nassella tenuissima?  Let us count the whys:  ·        Deep, drought-defying roots. ·        Silky, flowing form, in constant motion. ·        Unique look for containers or borders. ·        North American native – tough & carefree. Don't be
Big and Little Bluestem ~ Little Effort, Big Rewards

Big and Little Bluestem ~ Little Effort, Big Rewards

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Sep 20th 2024

Gardeners and designers have embraced the sturdy virtues of these robust native grasses. Great breeding from Intrinsic Perennial Gardens has further amplified ornamental value. Necessary and nice, you'll be glad you added these eco-friendly elements to your program. Andropogon gerardii'Holy Smoke' PP33929Rigid red flower stems rise to five feet tall over 30" stands of upright/arching foliage.The hardy, drought-tolerant foliage takes on beautiful hues of reds and purples for a lovely fall displa
Native Sporobolus heterolepis for "Outstanding quality and dependable performance"

Native Sporobolus heterolepis for "Outstanding quality and dependable performance"

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Sep 6th 2024

Over the delicate grassesA breath, a spirit passes,A song, and the odor of bloom—Give way! Make room!an excerpt from Dance of the Seasons by Harriet MonroeThe breeze can’t resist gliding gracefully through the fine, hair-like blades of prairie dropseed, sending wafts of fragrance to greet passersby.Don’t let the common name hit the wrong note. This lovely, self-sufficient native grass is a clump-former, not a vigorous spreader.Declared a “Plant of Merit” by Missouri Botanical Garden for “ou
Pretty Tough!  Panicum virgatum

Pretty Tough! Panicum virgatum

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Aug 2nd 2023

If you like your beauty with a side of beast,Panicum is your kind of grass.Indigenous to North America, "Switchgrass" transcends the native niche. It's just as comfortable in the traditional border as in meadow or prairie plantings. The fine sprays of its sun-catching inflorescence lend a deceptively dainty air, but don't be fooled: This is one sturdy genus, hardy all the way to Zone 4 (3 with protection).Panicum v. 'Hot Rod' PP26074Start your engines! This Emerald Coast Growers introductio
We've Got Ambitions - Bouteloua gracilis

We've Got Ambitions - Bouteloua gracilis

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Jun 16th 2023

Bouteloua gracilis' Blonde Ambition' is one of the most sought-after grasses to hit the market in years. This nifty North American native stands just two feet tall in flower, but it ranks high on the Most Wanted list of discerning growers and landscapers.Heavy stands of chartreuse flowers mature quickly to blonde "eyelash" seedheads, held at a jaunty angle, dancing in the breeze like cheerful little pennants. Clumps of fine blue-green foliage complete the picture. No wonder it's a Plant Selec

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