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Baptisia australis, It's to Dye For!

Baptisia australis, It's to Dye For!

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Mar 15th 2023

The native known as “false indigo” has deep roots – in the garden, and in American history. Now an ornamental favorite, it was once prized and even subsidized by the British government for the blue dye made from its sap.Baptisia sends up erect racemes of purple/blue lupine-like flowers in late spring. The blooms give way to decorative green seed pods that ripen to charcoal black. Flowers, foliage and seed pods in all color stages are all valuable as cut flowers, with exceptional vase life. Nativ
Made for the Shade -Begonia rex-cultorum T-Rex™ Series

Made for the Shade -Begonia rex-cultorum T-Rex™ Series

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Feb 28th 2023

The T-REX™ series, from the world-class breeders at Terra Nova Nurseries, is like nothing else you can pot up. They’re guaranteed to turn heads wherever their bold leaves and cool flowers are deployed. They make gorgeous containers, indoors or out, and are equally at home in full shade in the border.'Dancing Peacock'Palmate leaves are splashed with rose, purple, silver and olive green. Large bushy plants. Height 24"'Stardust' PP28647A galaxy of color on every leaf: Green, burgundy and viole
Get to Know Our Soft Side

Get to Know Our Soft Side

Posted by EMERALD COAST GROWERS on Feb 14th 2023

We’re known for our tough-as-nails perennials and ornamental grasses, but we have a soft spot for a few really special tender plants.Case in point: Cordyline australis. Known as Ti plant, Cabbage palm and other nicknames, Cordyline is a great fit for containers. Like peanut butter and jelly, our two varieties buddy up nicely with other tropical plants and semi-tropicals like Colocasia. They all love full sun. Hardy in Zones 9-11Cordyline australis 'Red Sensation’Features erect clumps of burgundy
Nassella - It's a Love Story...

Nassella - It's a Love Story...

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Feb 1st 2023

What makes gardeners and designers love Nassella tenuissima?Let us count the whys: Deep, drought-defying roots. Silky, flowing form, in constant motion. Unique look for containers or borders. North American native – tough & care-free.Don't be deceived by the delicate-sounding nickname “Feather grass." Hardy to Zone 6, this sturdy beauty is a growing presence in American landscapes.It's a growing presence in our greenhouses, too. We’ve timed our starters so they’re ready for you now, and read
Maiden Grass Voyage A NEW! Infertile Miscanthus

Maiden Grass Voyage A NEW! Infertile Miscanthus

Posted by Emerald Coast Growers on Dec 30th 2022

From the breeding wizardry of North Carolina State University comes another unique, garden-worthy, infertile grass: Miscanthus High Frequency™.High Frequency™ stands five feet tall in flower and is hardy in USDA Zones 5–10. Gracefully arching, rust-resistant blades are heavily cross-banded with gold bars. And it’s bred to be infertile, so you can be confident that its gleaming presence will remain exactly where it’s planted. Tune in to the NEW! with High Frequency™(‘NCMS3’) PP

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