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GREEN ANATOMY - Digitalis (Foxglove)

GREEN ANATOMY - Digitalis (Foxglove)

Posted by John Friel on Dec 18th 2020

Are there body parts in your gardens? Not exactly, we hope -- but there are some very fine plants named for anatomical features. And they won’t cost you an arm and a leg.Digitalis “Foxglove”Right at your fingertips!Some say the Latin genus name, which refers to fingers, i.e., digits, was back formed from an old common name. “Fingerhut” is German for “finger hat,” a sewer’s thimble. An alternate explanation is that the lovely tubular flower resembles the finger of a glove, with the tip removed.Yo
BUT WAIT! THERE’S MOOR! Sesleria Caerulea

BUT WAIT! THERE’S MOOR! Sesleria Caerulea

Posted by John Friel on Dec 15th 2020

If you grow ornamental grasses – and if not, what are you waiting for? – you probably know Sesleria autumnalis, a.k.a. “Autumn moor grass.” But have you met its equally-pretty, equally-hardy cousin Sesleria caerulea? Let us introduce you. A Scandinavian native, S. caerulea stands a cute, compact 8 – 12” tall. It’s hardy in Zones 4 – 7. “Blue moor grass” blooms in spring, with small purple panicles that mature to silvery green. The slender blades are glaucous blue on top, deep green bel
Calamagrostis: Yipes! Stripes!

Calamagrostis: Yipes! Stripes!

Posted by John Friel on Dec 9th 2020

Beyond 'Karl Foerster'It’s rank blasphemy to rank any ornamental grass higher than world-famous Calamagrostis xa. ‘Karl Foerster’. It is, after all, the first grass ever named Perennial Plant of the Year, and rightly so. It’s a handsome workhorse that makes a designer look like a genius. And it’s one of our top sellers. You won’t hear us dis it.But we WILL say there are other options in that very same species that give you Karl’s legendary reliability in a fresh, different look: Stripes!‘Eldorad
Winter’s Almost Here. Time to Think Spring!

Winter’s Almost Here. Time to Think Spring!

Posted by John Friel on Dec 3rd 2020

We know. It’s hard to conjure April showers and May flowers while December frost and January sleet lurk just below the nearer horizon. But dates on the calendar are like objects in the side-view mirror: Closer than they look. Spring sales are really not so far away. Now’s the time to do the kitchen prep for two early risers that will be key ingredients in your future inventory. Phlox subulata “Moss phlox” One of spring’s earliest harbingers, tough, colorful and cheerful. If it wer


Posted by John Friel on Nov 25th 2020

Many a gardener treasures their earthly creation as a little piece of heaven, and we wouldn’t dream of arguing with them. Why not take things a step farther and offer them some of our favorite “heavenly” cultivars?Dianthus “Pinks”This Greek-derived genus name literally means “Divine flower” or “Flower of Zeus.” It’s a mashup of “Di,” deity, and “anthos,” flower.We don’t know exactly what heavenly members of the carnation clan the ancient Greeks were admiring, but we’re pretty confident it wasn’t

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