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Thanks for Coming! Don’t Be a Stranger!

Thanks for Coming! Don’t Be a Stranger!

Posted by John Friel on Aug 10th 2022

Isn’t it great when a bunch of friends drop by? You know, like two or three busloads?That was the situation at our northern growing location recently: We hosted a tour of our greenhouses and trial gardens as part of the Perennial Plant Association’s National Symposium in Lancaster, PA.A good time was had by all despite high temperatures and humidity. Growers, designers, educators, writers, bloggers, retailers, customers and competitors alike strolled the grounds until they felt at home. We made
Geez Louise!  Lewisia: A Native Perennial’s Surprising Backstory

Geez Louise! Lewisia: A Native Perennial’s Surprising Backstory

Posted by John Friel on Jul 22nd 2022

In 1806, President Thomas Jefferson bought some real estate from France. The Louisiana Purchase involved a staggering 828,000 square miles – over half a billion acres, give or take.But nobody really knew what he had bought. Zillow was no help. So Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to do a two-year walk-through.Among the many marvels they found was a succulent-leaved perennial called “bitter root” by natives. A river and a mountain range bear that name still. The newcomer was named
Mmmmm… What’s That Smell Again? It’s lavender, of course! Chapter III

Mmmmm… What’s That Smell Again? It’s lavender, of course! Chapter III

Posted by John Friel on Jul 19th 2022

Yes, it’s Lavandula, all right. Nothing else can match the fresh, clean fragrance of this legendary herb. We know that fragrance well, since we grow 12 varieties in several species. Let’s look at more of them, shall we?Earlier, we examined L. angustifolia, a.k.a. English lavender, and L. stoechas, a.k.a. Spanish lavender. This time, let’s take a look at a hybrid: L. intermedia , a.k.a. Lavandin. This cross combines the assets of two species: L. angustifolia and L. latifolia, a.k.a. Por
HELLO, COLUMBUS! The Clock is Ticking!

HELLO, COLUMBUS! The Clock is Ticking!

Posted by John Friel on Jul 14th 2022

It’s that time again -- time for the green industry to converge on Columbus, Ohio for Cultivate ’22! It’s coming up quickly. Are you packed and ready to roll?Cultivate is one of the industry’s major events, with a world-class trade show and educational opportunities. Here at ECG, we have another reason to love Columbus: It’s where we get to hand out our new, hot-off-the-presses starter plant catalog.Now, even our most loyal customers know the show doesn’t really revolve around Booth #2313. But f
The Cure for PGE is OTC! (Erianthus ravennae)

The Cure for PGE is OTC! (Erianthus ravennae)

Posted by John Friel on Jul 13th 2022

Northerners who venture south are wowed by the stately stands of pampas grass that grace so many home and commercial landscapes.Alas, the coveted Cortaderia selloana won’t survive their winters back home. They can only dream of growing those tall, majestic plumes. They suffer from PGE – Pampas Grass Envy.But those dreams can come true! There IS a big, bold grass even Yankees can grow:It’s northern pampas grass, Erianthus ravennae, to the rescue! No prescription needed! Soaring even taller than

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